Sunday 10 November 2013

Watching Kkrish 3

Krrish 3 was awesome. It had all the ingredients of a super hero movie. Great special effects, good story line, lovely stunts! I just loved the movie. Hrithik has done a superb job! He plays the two characters of father and super hero to the best. One truly feels they are two different actors doing two different roles! Ah! And Vivek Oberoi as the evil Kaal was really evil! If you like masala movies and want to see how technology has made its way into bollywood movie you must watch it. Krrish 3 is what a super hero movie should be like- super natural powers, extra-ordinary happenings, the age-old good vs evil  and at the same time human emotions, feelings and science.  Special effects were mind blowing but the fight scenes between Kkrish and the evil Kaal could have been edited a bit though.

What I loved about the movie besides the neat and clean story line and special effects and of course Hrithik Roshan is the wonderful blend of science, fiction and the spiritual. The movie ends with a note on how everything is but energy and every thing be it matter or mass is made of energy. The soul is nothing but energy which never dies but keeps moving from one body to another.  The entire Universe is always in the process of emitting and transferring energy from one form to another. So when Rohit Mehra the scientist father of Krrish sacrifices his life to bring back his son back to life he assures Krrish that no one ever truly dies, for energy can never die but only takes on another form and continues to live in another body, another matter, another being. Rohit Mehra with the help of the sun and his energy transforming scientific invention- a pen which beeps when the sun’s rays are brought to concentrate on a focal point- filters and transfers both his and the energy derived from the sunlight (which are but one!) to his dying son and becomes a part of him! 

However there was one thing that disappointed me or perhaps I am expecting too much! In the end Kkrish (or in his more mortal form Krishna) and his wife become proud parents of a baby boy and conclude with the assurance that their father lives on in their child too. Now here is where Kkrish 3 having crossed the barrier of using super special effects, technology and great fictional script could have really moved way way ahead of other Bollywood movies. The baby born to Kkrish and his wife could have been a female child rather than a male child. For if all we are but energy transformed from nature to soul to matter then the energy need not always take a male form. The makers could have really brought out the core essence of their theme of energy, transformation, life and death and continuity by depicting the transfer of energy into a new born female child. I personally feel that given the immense creative potential of cinema in invoking/provoking the thought process of its viewers, this, could have been a very innovative step towards breaking  the age old barrier of Gender bias that still dominates Bollywood movies. Perhaps the reason they did not do it is because we are still in awe of our larger than life super female goddesses and not yet ready for a more down to earth female super hero???!!!  

But kudos to Kkrish 3 for bringing together a wonderful blend of movie, entertainment, technology, science, fiction and spiritual into one powerful package!

Sunday 3 November 2013

PART II... Do You Truly Love Yourself?

I have decided not to write a sequel to this post because I feel that if one sits down to write how  then the list can be never ending. Each one of us will have different experiences to narrate and  if we have an unloved self in us then we will end up identifying our self with these experiences. But what is really required is to find some time for us and sit quietly and go deep into our own self and find the experiences that have troubled us. Each one of us will have a unique experience and to go through this experience is what is important. To go through all the feelings that arise within us during these moments of deep solitude and communicate with our past emotions, experiences is what will unlock the key to our closed and clamped hearts. We have to identify our own feelings, we have to experience our own emotions. 

Lot of our emotions get unattended to in our growing up years. We need to attend to them and not just feel burdened, saddened, angered or victimized by them.  If  we don’t attend to them now then we will keep projecting our fears and insecurities on to others. Then we are not living the present but living in the past with past memories and emotions. To live in the present we have to release the  past emotions that have disturbed us and gradually let go of them otherwise we will be merely reacting out of habit rather than responding from the present moment. Habitual reactions can never ever be solutions to any problems. They are just plain and ordinary reactions which we repeat irrespective of the situation.

The interesting part about habitual reactions is that we connect all situations to our fears, insecurities and anxieties. In all situations we find ourselves as victims. The reason being we have been unable to come out of our past victimized selves and we relive our past through or in the present situations. Our actions are not tuned to responding but to reacting through habit.

To love our self we need to be creative… to be creative we have to respond… to respond we have to let go of reactions and habits. When you respond to a situation you are actually creating an emotion, action which is in the present. And being creative is what brings immense love for the creator and for the creation who/which is none but you!