Monday 17 March 2014

Making the Kill.

To become an individual we have to "kill" all the other little individuals that live within us. What I mean is that we are socially conditioned to let go of our individuality. In the process we begin to imbibe the personalities, emotions, values of all those around who we grow up. And then in our adult life we tend to live our lives through these individual beings. That uniqueness with which we were born is buried somewhere deep beneath these layers of personalities/individuals. But our uniqueness never gives up. It keeps throwing out rays of light even from beneath those layers. To become completely our own individual self we need to "kill" all those other layers of individuals within us. These  individual characteristics that we have saved in us can be those of our parents, siblings, guardians, friends, mentors, teachers etc.

When I say "kill" I mean we have to let go of these borrowed individual selves that we have within us. We have to begin to listen to our individual being for our philosophy, passion, experience, values, likes and dislikes and an overall vision of living life will be very different from the other individual selves that we have held close to our heart for a long time. I am not saying that their is anything wrong with the way others think or believe but it might not be what our self requires.

It is very difficult to set our self off from what we have been tuned into believing or being for so long. Because in doing so we will be thrown into a completely different world all together. This world can be totally different from what we have been used to living, it can be something that for years we have denied or have considered as unsuitable for us, it can be a world where our interests, values, likes and dislikes will become exactly the opposite with which we have grown up! One might feel fearful, anxious, nervous, sad. But it will be you and you all the way through. The thought of becoming someone who we have always turned away from or doing something that has been considered as conventional, backdated or outrageous and unorthodox might just be that which we really are or want to do. To embrace this being with all our heart and to let go of all that we are not is the greatest step towards being truly liberated. For this individual is you and not someone else playing through you.

God has created us all with a mind and heart of our own, with a will of our own. To live life according to that will, that heart and that mind is the most joyous and spirited thing that we can do. And to do this the one thing that we really need to embrace is humility. I say humility because when we realise that we have been living our lives through those accumulated layers of individuals our ego sets in to hold us back from taking that one step forward by making us feel guilty and ashamed of doing something different. Sometimes we are afraid or feel sad to let go of certain things or ways of thinking and living because we have learnt them, acquired them from people who have been close to us, have guided us and helped us grow up. We are afraid to let them down. But if we can humbly acknowledge all these individual selves through which we have so far lived as well as accept the self that we now want to live with we have already made a huge leap in our being.