Monday 12 December 2016

Confessions of two women.

A couple of weeks back two women, one a friend and the other an aunt, confessed to me. The friend is a 'working mom' and has a very busy schedule and travels quite often. The aunt is a retired professor.

The friend, me and another friend were at a wedding chatting over dinner and sharing how as mothers of young children we don't get much rest and how much we desire for those few moments of peaceful sleep. Me and the other friend were whining about how we don't get much of a break from household and outdoor chores, or time to relax etc.etc. The friend aka 'working mom' was very sympathetic towards our plight. In return for her sympathy I expressed my concern over how she manages both work and home and saluted her. She said it's tough BUT she made a confession! " You know what Chaitali it is tough but those few hours that I get while travelling are the most relaxing times for me! I get a good nap and feel fresh! Without them it would be tough!"

I must confess I felt very jealous of those few moments of relaxation and pictured her resting on the flight and waking up all refreshed! The friend saw the green glint in my eyes. She came closer to me and whispered mischevously " Don't tell anyone that I said this! Keep my confession anonymous! I want to cherish those few hours!"

Dear friend I have kept you anonymous but I had to share your honest confession.

The second confession came from  my husband's aunt who was visiting us. We were at the dinner table and I had made some baked food items. The aunt and her husband were appreciating my cooking. The aunt then asked me if I  cooked regularly. I said no and that I have a cook for the regular cooking but I do pitch in with the special dishes. At first I thought (like many from my generation do when we feel guilty for not being like our mums who never kept cooks and did their our own cooking) she was about to say (like many from her generation usually say) that she does her own cooking and has not kept a cook even at this age. BUT I was in for a surpirse and another confession!

The aunt said that she too had a cook when she was teaching at the University. However when she and her husband (also a professor) retired she decided to take up the cooking and do away with the cook. Initially it was going good but then gradually she realised that while her husband was relaxing and reading his newspaper over a cup of morning tea, she was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She leaned forward, lowered her voice and confessed that this was not something that she was enjoying. In the same lowered tone she said " I thought to myself...why should I be cooking in the kitchen after my retirement and my husband relaxing after his retirement... especially, when both of us were in the same profession!" She leaned back with a conteneded smile and announced in her usual tone that from that day onwards she re-hired her cook and decided to enjoy her retirement too.

Two women, belonging to two different generation, in two different phases of their lives but both make their confessions on how they have kept their spirits high and RELAXED!

Thank you friend and aunt for your honest confessions! 

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