Tuesday 16 July 2013

Old Intentions with New Ideas

Have you noticed how sometimes right in the middle of the day, or while you are busy driving, buying something, reading a book, taking a bath, making important notes or doing some really really mundane activity a voice suddenly pops up in your head and speaks out to you! I just had one a couple of days back. I was driving down the road when all of a sudden this voice pops up in my head:

"Hey if one of my most deepest desires is to raise my child in a completely different manner from the one in which I had been raised......if my desire is to develop in her the ability to understand, differentiate and express her emotions without any fear or inhibitions....if my desire is to give her a life where she can be fearless in making choices and mistakes....if my desire is to help her grow up as an individual who is not ashamed of sexually expressing herself or is not afraid to say the word "NO" without  the fear of nonacceptance .... if my desire is to see her grow up loving herself the most and then extending that heartfelt love to others...

....then there are some desires that I will have to let go. I will have to let go of the desire to pursue a career to earn money, to make myself feel worthwhile and independent."

As this thought passed my mind I felt a sort of calmness. But then I kept thinking that why this calmness. The answer came to me in this book that I have been reading. A wonderful book given to me by my sis. It is called Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Este`s. In this book she takes different myths and deconstructs them to show how women through these myths can heal themselves, regain their lost creativity, their soul, their life and vigour and learn to love themselves and their wild wild souls which lies deep within them.

Pinkola mentions, while deconstructing one of the myths related to Nourishing the Creative Life, how in order to renew or strengthen our intentions or actions that have become fatigued we have to throw some ideas away, and focus.  

I realised that my pursuit of career and earning have so far helped me in meeting my desire of being independent, of feeling worthwhile and self-sufficient. But now this pursuit has lost its vigour and I feel worn out trying to keep up with it in order to meet my intentions.  I still want to be self-sufficient and cherish a life that is  independent, creative and fearless in thought. But to bring about this I have to let go of these already tested and done to death ideas. By guiding and helping my child and other children as well, to develop a personality that is self-aware, self-assured, expressive and self-loving I can still meet my desire of creating a life that cherishes and lives and life of love, freedom and fearlessness and feel calm deep down inside. For my child is none other than a manifestation of my own inner being.

"Take three hairs (symbolic of thought) out of your endeavour and throw them to the ground. There they become like a wake-up call. Throwing them down makes a psychic noise, a chime, a resonance in the woman's spirit that causes activity to occur again. The sound of some of one's many ideas falling away becomes like an announcement of a new era or a new opportunity." Clarissa Pinkola Este`s, in Women Who Run With the Wolves.

1 comment:

  1. Well written..and yes we need to constantly redefine ourselves and how we meet the needs to of creativity in ourselves.."There is a beauty and peace to creating in anonymity.." said some great soul. I think it was J. Krishnamoorthy..
